Software Testing Course
Software Testing Course
According to a recent report by Fortune Magazine based on data from job-seeking site Indeed, software quality assurance engineers and testers ranked no. 7 on its list of the top 10 most in-demand jobs for job-seekers.Testers and QA engineers have most job satisfaction out of anyone employed.
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According to a recent report by Fortune Magazine based on datafrom job-seeking site Indeed, software quality assurance engineers and testersranked no. 7 on its list of the top 10 most in-demand jobs for job-seekers.Testers and QAengineers have most job satisfaction out of anyone employed.
Course Objective
The learner will specialise in manual and automationtesting. This combination of course will create huge demand to sell your selfto the companies. The training will provide wholesome learning which will giveyou complete clarity of testing design, execution along with processimplementation. Whether its manual or automation testing project you will beable to implement it on your own. This course will cover excellent theory andpracticals for complete software testing learning.
Manual Testing
- Water fallmodel
- Spiral Model
- V model
- Prototype model
- Hybrid model
- Derived models
- Types of Testing a software
- White boxtesting
- Black boxtesting
- Grey boxtesting
- Black box testing techniques with practicalexamples
- FunctionalTesting
- IntegrationTesting
- System Testing
- Smoke Testing
- AcceptanceTesting
- Globalizationtesting
- ExploratoryTesting
- Adhoc Testing
- MonkeyTesting/Gorilla Testing
- RegressionTesting
- CompatibilityTesting
- Security Testing
- Performance Testing
- Load Testing
- Stress Testing
- SoakTesting
- VolumeTesting
- Spike Testing
- Test cases
- IdentifyingScenarios
- Write/Review/ExecuteTest cases
- Test casedesign technique
- Brain stormingsessions
- Storing testcases in Test management tools
- System Study
- Writing TestPlan
- PreparingTraceability matrix
- Preparing STCM
- Retrospectmeeting/Post Harvest meeting
- Triage meetings
- Working of code coverage tool
- White Box Versus Black Box Testing
- How to perform white box testing
- Defect tracking
- Severity versuspriority
- Preparingdefect report
- Reportingdefect in defect tracking tool
- Defect lifecycle
- Inconsistentdefects etc.
- Differencebetween smoke and sanity
- What are stubs anddrivers
- Difference betweenverification and validation
- Difference betweenstatic and dynamic testing
- Metrics andAnalysis
- Understanding user stories
- How to give user story points
- What should be the format of user stories
- How we do planning poker activity
- Explanation on product back log
- Explanation on Sprint backlog
- What is scrum
- Explanation on Scrum team
- Purpose of standup meetings
- What we do in sprint planning
- Role of product owner
- Role of Scrum master
- Explanation on why team size should bebetween 6-9
- Explanation on why sprint durationshould be 2 – 4weeks
- Sprint retrospect meetings
- What are burn down and burn up charts
- Why KANBAN charts are used
- Advantages
- Dis-Advantages
- Downloading MySQL
- Installing MySQL
- Connecting from Command prompt to MySQL
- Creating databases
- Create Tables
- Executingvarious SQL queries on
- Insert
- Update
- Delete
- Select
- Drop
- Distinct etc.
- Why SQL is called asstructured query language
- Built-in functions inSQL
- Length
- Trim
- Rtrim
- Ltrim
- Count
- Max
- Min
- Avg
- Sum
- Lcase
- Ucase
- Now
- Using limit keyword inMySQL
- Sorting of Data
- Using % and _ inqueries
- Data types
- Constraints
- Differencebetween DBMS and RDBMS
- Joins
- Subqueries
- Normalisation
- Interviewquestions
Core Java
- Installing JDK
- Developing simple java file on editor
- Compiling and running .java file fromcommand prompt
- –d option
- Static versus non-static members
- Classes and objects in java
- Difference between JDK and JRE
- Unary operators
- Variables and data types
- Typecasting– auto upcasting and explicit down casting
- Methodsand its rules
- Constructorsand its rules
- Thiskeyword
- Superkeyword
- Inheritancein java with several examples
- Conditionalstatements
- loops
- Exceptionhandling – Compile time and runtime
- Interfacesin java with several examples
- Abstractclass in java with several examples
- Polymorphism
- Instanceinitialization blocks
- Staticinitialization blocks
- Garbagecollection
- Enum
- Filehandling in java - File , FileInputStream, FileOutput Stream, Buffered reader,Buffered Writer etc
- Arrays
- Collections
- Stringclass
- Threads
- Wrapperclasses
- Annotations
- JavaMemory management
- Cloning
- Innerclasses
- Assertclass
- Finalkeyword
- Reflections
- Collection Versus Collections
- Design Pattern in java
- Annotations
- Object Class
- Finalize
- What is automation
- Different automation tools available inmarket
- When do go for automation
- How to configure selenium jars in eclipse.
- Architecture of selenium WebDriver
- Explanation on various HTML tags andattributes
- Different types of locators inSelenium
- By id
- By name
- By partial link test
- By xpaths
- Complete/absolute xpaths
- Partial xpaths
- By Css Selector
- Developing xpaths manually
- Installing fire bug and fire path add-ons
- Developing xpaths using fire bug and firepath add-ons
- How to handle dynamic objects in Selenium
- Automating several fields of webapplication live online
- Button
- Link
- Text field
- Radio button
- Check box
- Drop down box
- Search box
- Launching and interacting differentbrowsers in selenium WebDriver Different ways to perform navigation in selenium WebDriver
- Difference between close and quit
- Performing synchronization in selenium
- Handling multiple windows in selenium
- Takingscreen shots in selenium
- Automating file upload
- Explanation onRobot class
- Stringselection class
- Clip board
- Synchronizationpractical usage while uploading file
- Automatingselect boxes using select class
- By index
- By Value
- Handlingalert boxes
- Countingobjects on webpage
- Performingfollowing on the browser
- Navigatingforward button in a browser
- Navigatingbackward button in a browser
- Another way tonavigate in a browser
- Refreshing pagein a browser
- How to read different kind of data fromexcel file
- Performing data driven testing in seleniumby storing data on excel file using POI API
- Properties file
- Createproperties files in eclipse
- Storing data inproperties files
- How comment inproperties file
- Advantage ofstoring xpaths in properties files
- Developinggeneric code using properties files with selenium WebDriver
- What is Junit
- Annotations of Junit
- Developing check points with Junit and Selenium
- verifying page tile
- verifying page text
- verifying edit box
- verifying links
- Verifying buttons and many more
- Parameterizing test using Junit
- Downloading Ant
- Configuring ANT
- Developing Build.xml
- running ant in command prompt window
- running test in batch
- generating HTML based reports using ANT and build.xml
- developing .bat file to run ANT
- TestNg
- Annotations of TestNg
- Developing check points with TestNg and Selenium
- verifying page tile
- verifying page text
- verifying edit box
- verifying links
- Verifying buttons and many more
- Parameterizing test using Junit
- Selenium Grid
- Introduction to JDBC
- Understanding Types OfDriver
- Type 1 driver
- Type 2 driver
- Type 3 driver
- Type 4 driver
- Installing Mysql / OracleDatabase with Database Interface
- Configuring driver andconnecting with database using JDBC
- Performing operations like
- Select
- Update
- Delete
- Drop
- Filters
- Upload files into database etc
- Prepared statements
Project Work -
You will learning CRM application implementation with detailedexposure to perform manual testing and automation testing. During the projectwork we will accomplish the following
Manual Testing on CRM PROJECT
- Write Test Plan
- understandingrequirement and identifying scenarios
- Write /review / excuse Testing Cases in Quality Centre
- Reporting defect inbugzilla
- Performing smoketesting
- Performingfunctional , integration and system testing
- performing adhoctesting, exploratory testing etc.
- performing securitytesting
- Preparing STCM
- Preparingtraceability matrix
- Preparing monthlystatus reports
- Validating data inthe back end database using SQL
- Attending dailystand up meetings
- Analysing burn downchart
Automation Testing on CRM PROJECT-
- Developing xpaths andstoring it in properties files
- Developing automationkeyword
- Developing testingkeyword
- Integrating Junit /TestNg
- Integrating ANT
- HTML reportgeneration
- Developing .bat files
- Running Test in batch
- Developing reusablehybrid frame work
A course completion certificate is issued by Pankaj Sir's Academy which certifies that you completed a particular course. This certificate is issued to all the learners participating in this course. We will also help the candidates prepare for ISTQB preparations(Optional with extra cost).
Do you provide job assistance?
Pankaj Sir's Academy is biggest online training solution provider and is tied up with 400 IT companies. After completion of course you will get access to our in-house job portal through which you can starting applying for jobs all over india. Every day hundreds students appear for placements through Pankaj Sir's Academy online job portal. You will get job assistance till you get placed.
Have to clear doubts?
In case of any doubts you can reach of subject matter experts(Technical Trainers) 24X7. You can also opt for one to one doubt clearing session with out subject matter expert
What are the payment options?
You can pay by credit card, debit card, net banking or even deposit cheque
Who are our instructors?
All our instructors have 12 to 15 years of experience in relevant domain and have experience training thousands of students every year
Do we get practise test facility?
yes, we will give you access to our LMS(Learning Management System) through which you can take hundreds of practise test.
From where to access study material?
You can access study material in LMS(Learning Management System)
What about course completion certificate?
Once the project work is completed you will get course completion certificate